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Sunday, June 30, 2013

[NewsRescue.com] : "US Bugged Offices of the EU and United Nations in New York: US-EU Trade Pact Under Threat from NSA Spying - Guardian"


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US Bugged Offices of the EU and United Nations in New York: US-EU Trade Pact Under Threat from NSA Spying - Guardian

June 30, 2013

NewsRecsue- A latest article on the Guardian, which has been releasing exclusve stories from the NSA leaker, Edward Snowden, has revealed threats to US—EU relations due to US malicious spying allegations.

The prospects for a new trade pact between the US and the European Union worth hundreds of billions have suffered a severe setback following allegations that Washington bugged key EU offices and intercepted phonecalls and emails from top officials.

The Guardian further said:

The German publication Der Spiegel reported that it had seen documents and slides from the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden indicating that US agencies bugged the offices of the EU in Washington and at the United Nations in New York. They are also accused of directing an operation from Nato headquarters in Brussels to infiltrate the telephone and email networks at the EU's Justus Lipsius building in the Belgian capital, the venue for EU summits and home of the European council.

Without citing sources, the magazine reported that more than five years ago security officers at the EU had noticed several missed calls apparently targeting the remote maintenance system in the building that were traced to NSA offices within the Nato compound in Brussels.

The impact of the Der Spiegel allegations may be felt more keenly in Germany than in Brussels. The magazine said Germany was the foremost target for the US surveillance programmes, categorising Washington's key European ally alongside China, Iraq or Saudi Arabia in the intensity of the electronic snooping.

France and Germany have asked for explanations from the US on these grave intrusions, with the German minister of Justice regarding such behavior akin to actions of enemies during the cold war. Read full story on the Guardian

(CNN) -- European officials reacted with fury Sunday to a report that the U.S. National Security Agency spied on EU offices.

The European Union warned that if the report is accurate, it will have tremendous repercussions.

"I am deeply worried and shocked about the allegations," European Parliament President Martin Schulz said in a statement. "If the allegations prove to be true, it would be an extremely serious matter which will have a severe impact on EU-US relations. On behalf of the European Parliament, I demand full clarification and require further information speedily from the U.S. authorities with regard to these allegations."

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