A new article you may find interesting has been published on NewsRescue.com. Details of the article follow; We hope you find this informative.
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Boko Haram Are Cannibals and Drug Addicts; It Is Time To Eradicate This Scourge - Muslims
15th, may, 2013
To the President and Nigeria's people
We the MuslimsAgainstTerror.com here by offer our prayers and support for the mission to bring an end to Abubakar Shekau's Boko Haram. We are pleased to hear of the declared states of emergency. Even though it is coming late. So many of our brothers have died. Just a week ago, Shekau's men beheaded two of our clerics at Ngamdu, May Allah(S) accept them, because we tell the people the truth about them as Allah(S) commanded us.
They are no more than drug addicts. Drinking all types of concoction, heroin and marijuanna, to get high to commit their atrocities and abominable acts. Their torment from their Lord will be just. Like their brothers in Syria, who were seen eating another Muslims heart and blood, Boko Haram are cannibals. They eat Muslims flesh. They kidnap women and children. They are deviants and they are in Jahanam, the hell fire.
Condolence on death of CAN secretary
Dear Brothers and Sisters in faith, and the "People of the Book" (Christians and Jews).
We the Muslims Against Terror Association received the news of the death of the CAN's Secretary in Borno State, Reverend Faya Pama Musa, who was shot dead at his GRA residence by two gunmen at about 7.30 pm with "HEAVY HEARTS".
The killing of people, kidnapping etc of (Christians, Muslims, and Jews) is a great sin in the Bible and Quran.
I on behalf of Nigerian Muslims Against Terror Association condemn the killing of people and innocent people, terrorist, suicide bombers, hatred etc in Nigeria and other parts of the world.
We offer our condolences to the families of all the innocent people (Christians, Muslims and Jews), Killed in Bama, the families of CAN's Secretary ,and CAN headquarters, in Nigeria.
We stand with them in Solidarity during this difficult time.
May Allah(God) Guide them and protect them(Ameen)
InshaAllah, we will be victorious over them and peace will return to the north and the entire Nigeria. (Ameen)
We invite you to join us:
From Nigeria to the world; we denounce terror.
Sir Doctor Amadi (JNR) JP, MPA, NMS.
Source: http://muslimsagainstterror.com/boko-haram-are-cannibals-and-drug-addicts-it-is-time-to-eradicate-this-scourge/
- Link to the article: http://newsrescue.com/boko-haram-are-cannibals-and-drug-addicts-it-is-time-to-eradicate-this-scourge/
- Link to NewsRescue.com: http://newsrescue.com
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